Deanna Fournier


“I wouldn’t have classified myself as out of shape or overweight; I loved hiking, hitting the gym, snowboarding … basically everything related to fitness. I had been a vegetarian for years, a vegan for a few as well, and thought I ate fairly healthy most of the time.  When my now fiance (friend at the time!) introduced me to his Trainer, Marc Lobliner, I was really intrigued.  I thought it would be really interesting to learn about macros and how the amount of food you put into your body and the ratio of those foods could help control your weight and muscle growth.  I also was incredibly interested to learn more of the science behind proteins, fats, & carbs, and what they all truly meant when I read a label. 


Marc is so much more than a trainer – he’s the real deal.  He has an incredible wealth of knowledge and truly knows what to do with his clients, and he’s so easy to get along with as a coach. Marc makes it easy; I send my weight every morning, follow my training plan to the absolute best of my ability, and trust the macros he sends me are the right ones for where my body is at.  Marc is willing to adapt your training program based on your own goals and is so flexible with holidays and travel, sometimes reminding me that I can “live a little”! (I’m very dedicated and don’t like to go off course when I see results, which you will if you put in the effort!)


I also love that Marc doesn’t necessarily tell you what to eat, just how and how much to consume in combination with your training program. He knows when to adjust your macros based on the changes in your body but allows you the freedom to eat how you’d like to eat.  Of course he recommends eating more whole, clean foods -and I eat a very strict paleo based, organic diet – but that’s all personal preference, which is freeing. 


Finally, I’ll say that I see insane results working with Marc.  I have been his client for almost 4 years now, and I don’t know if I will ever stop working with him.  I’ve gone from “skinny fat” to having a lean, muscular physique and a really fast metabolism.  I can control my body if I want to grow lean mass or cut out fat, I can by working closely with Marc. My energy levels have tripled, my strength has gone way up, and my knowledge of how food interacts with my body is now so strong that I can intuitively eat out and know exactly what I should eat to fit my macros.  


I highly recommend Marc as a trainer, mentor, and coach.  He truly has worked wonders for both myself and my fiance and has changed our lives and our health forever.  If you have any doubts, don’t — just take the leap!  It’s you’re life – it’s not a game!!”